Do you think hoodies are only for teenage girls?

I am 26. I like wearing hoodies, because they look cute and they are warm. But, am I too old to be wearing hoodies? I am thinking I should start wearing more sweaters instead.


Answers: (9)

kisses 4 u : young guys wear them over here (australia.) wannabe gangsters and the like. some of them would be your age. apparently, it's hardcore to have a hoodie here. maybe i should get one...

stuff everyone else, if you like wearing it, wear it.

Thomas Porter : Ehh. Age is nothing. If you feel good wearing it, then wear it.

Look at the majority of todays women.. they wear shirts what fit a 4 yr old. its rediculous,, so dont feel bad about wearing a hoodie, rock on!

Ladybug3... : My mom is 49, and she wears hoodies. The thing is the places you wear them to. I would refrain from wearing a hoodie to work, but they're fine to go 'out' in.

Layna<3 : Well...maybe you should stay away from them after now...but, I mean, if they're mature-looking and all age appropriate you know then I guess it's alright for a woman in her mid-twenties to wear a hoodie.

nintendu... : plain hoodies are fine, but hoodies with skulls and hearts and wierd patterns you find from pier 1 or whatever is for teens

Barry auh2o : It depends, ,. what do you want to do, make a fashion statement or keep your ears warm???

Chelsea Catastrophe™ : Wear what you want!. Hoodies look awesome on anyone!. I lovee them <3 plus 26 isn't even old. :]

:) : my ma wears hoodies all the time and looks great!

l3$li3 : na i thnk its ku