Are track jackets just for Asians and athletes?

My Asian friend wears one but I've never seen a non-Asian wear one, besides athletes. Is there any truth to this?

Serious question. Let me know if I'm totally wrong about this.

Answers: (6)

presiden... : I guess it doesn't look good on fat people.

a styles : track jackets are for everyone. style doesn't deal with race. it deals with what you like to wear.

peeusht : Your Asian Friend might be a one-off case . You should see him or her when he/she is in other dress. Anyone can wear Track Jackets .

dewdropi... : That's a ridiculous question. Are books only for nerds? Is water only for fishes?

UhYeahMa... : The Real Question is....

Are You stupid?

I Mean honsetly

Its just that everyone else around you hates asians

So they avoid track jackets OR/AND

for atheletes Pfffft its obvious dumbass

They think its a trend

And asians are pretty much atheletes too

Have you ever seen the olympics?

How about track?or that bob sled ****?

even the ******* Gutterbowl

Stuffing there skinny faces with gallons of mayonase

Its usually the asians who easily own all that ****

Theyre Fearless.

Asians and atheletes are basically in the same line.

Unlike everyone around me

we say **** the system

and wear what we want

Its simple.


samurais... : What is track jacket anyway ?